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  • August 16, 2020

    August 16, 2020

    With this project being assigned during such a revolutionary time in the world I felt like the perfect way to show where I from was to present you all with this beautiful photo of my home town Chicago Illinois during our ongoing Black Lives Matters protest. One thing I really would like to point out in this photo is the unity and diversity of the protestors. One thing I absolutely love about Chicago is the diversity and our ability to come together and stand up for change in our city and the world. There were so many different ethnicities out to support and stand with us in solidarity. It was a very powerful time. The best protest is one united and peaceful. Also there are many other photos of after the riots communities coming together and setting up grab and go grocery spots. Many grocery stores in minority communities were destroyed so we banded together and made sure we could feed our community. Also so many cleaning projects set up all around the city to clean up the damage during the rioting. I was so awesome to see people bond together and help the small businesses effected rebuild whether it was donating money or physically coming out and helping with renovations. All in all I say all of this to capture the moment of unity in the community. Something that I value and it gets over looked too often in the mist of focusing on what people view as the negatives. I hope you enjoyed the wonderful photo and I cant wait to participate in the other fun activities!!! #journeytonku2020 #humansofgreatercincinnati #blm

  • August 16, 2020

    August 16, 2020

    Sometimes life is disguised as so perfect, but everybody has a different vision for the perfect world. It all started March 2020, when quarantine changed my life. I realized actions speak louder than words. When The Coronavirus took over and ruined my senior year of high school. I had a reality check. Sometimes you don’t see nor understand the benediction of opportunities until they are gone. My senior year was flipped upside down like a boat stuck in a whirlpool. I knew I was ready for college when I needed change. Making a step into the right direction allows you to prevail and overcome all obstacles. At the end of a rainy day it always blooms into something brighter and new; Better days are coming soon. I am hoping ÇÑ×ÓÉçÇø is my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. #journeytonku2020 #humansofgreatercincinnati

  • August 16, 2020

    August 16, 2020

    Although 2020 has been a very rough year, I have reminisced all the memories I have made before quarantine in the small town of Richmond, Kentucky. I remember the days when I would go to this coffee shop after school to study or just simply hang out with friends while grabbing coffee. We’d also always go over to the store nearby to get some vintage clothes that were too cute not to buy. As a teenager, I have had the funniest stories and the best memories I could possibly have in this town. Even though my experience in high school was terrible, I managed to make lifelong friendships that have taught me how to appreciate where I come from. I will never forget the impact these local places have had on my life and my perception of Richmond. #humansofgreatercincinnati #journeytonku2020

  • August 16, 2020

    August 16, 2020

    I had been thinking about what I wanted my picture to be for a while. I first thought of my room and in particular my desk. Before the pandemic happened it was used for homework and video games. During the pandemic I would sit there for hours doing school work and being on zoom calls. I then thought about my kitchen. One thing that had been nice during this pandemic was to be able to sit down with my family and eat dinner. I eventually decided on my basement. Before the pandemic we set up many TV’s for March madness which never happened. Before the pandemic this was where all of our family and friends would come. We would all hangout and have fun, but now it is where I go to not disturb my family during zoom meetings and where I go to watch tv or play video games. #journeytonku2020 #humansofgreatercincinnati

  • August 13, 2020

    August 13, 2020

    2020 is a year unlike any other in my lifetime. It’s exciting, terrifying, and extremely unpredictable. Trying to put words to my journey through this year is a challenge. I think the best way to describe this journey is through comparison. I was raised in the countryside of Kentucky and one of my favorite pastimes in recent years has been identifying the wildflowers that always bloom in the spring and summer months. It’s these flowers? persistence that seems to inspire my curiosity. Every year these wildflowers seem to flourish despite their environments. They end up growing next to highways or even between cracks in old cement yet they seem perfectly content. With that in mind I’d like to think of myself as a wildflower, growing, or even flourishing, despite the hurdles this year has thrown me. I can’t wait to grow alongside my fellow classmates this year at ÇÑ×ÓÉçÇø. #journeytonku2020

  • August 11, 2020

    August 11, 2020

    I am currently sixteen hours west of Kentucky. My family planned to go west during the summer of 2020, before my freshman year of college. Unfortunately, we lost my brother and my mother before we could make my trip. But my dad and I continued. Three weeks before we leave, I have surgery. Five days before, I am put into the hospital with bowel obstruction. I am discharged a day after we planned to start driving. We take off that second. On the first night we break down at midnight. The tow truck is called, we fix the truck, and we continue the drive. This is where I come from. Being able to find joy in small towns that weren't on the route. Adapting to every bump in the way and finding the good in the ugly. #rvtrip #findjoy #humansofgreatercincinatti #journeytonku2020 #beanorse

  • August 10, 2020

    August 10, 2020

    Graduating during a pandemic is not what I envisioned. When everything started to shut down I started to get more shifts at work. At first it wasn’t that bad because it was usually me and another girl working, eventually though it was just me alone for 6 hours taking orders through a phone. This was very hard for me because my mother is recovering from cancer and is at a high-risk to catch COVID. Because of my mom I was one of the first to wear a mask and I would change clothes as soon as I got home. #journeytonku2020

  • August 9, 2020

    August 9, 2020

    Congratulations!’, - ‘thank you.’ – with mixed feelings of joy and confusion, of excitement and apathy. Am I supposed to be happy or can I allow myself to be sad? Graduating in the middle of the pandemic and while recovering from a major loss was hard. I was grateful that I had overcome big obstacles to get where I was and that I was closer to my dream to be in the medical field one day, However, I was saddened by not walking on stage with family present and having to figure out the next steps in such an uncertain time. I realized it was about time to take care of myself and that it was okay to take it one day at the time. Journaling, reading helpful books, getting help, making my favorite breakfast meals, and making time to color, all these were safe places for me to feel and recover. Meanwhile opportunities were coming my way. It took some trial and error and some steppingstones, but I got the chance to come back to ÇÑ×ÓÉçÇø to serve for a year and I cannot imagine spending this time elsewhere. #journeybacktonku2020

  • August 8, 2020

    August 8, 2020

    This room is where I spent a majority of my time during the many long months in #HealthyAtHome. On the couch is where I completed my online schooling for many hours. The mantle boasts two of my favorite art pieces, the larger of which was completed during March and April. The TV screen displays the KET logo, the cooking shows which have long been a staple in my home, even before COVID. The entertainment center also displays the pictures of the seven other people I had the privilege to spend these long months with. Finally, the centerpiece of this picture, my dog, who enjoyed the constant walks she was taken on and the presence of people around her all the time. Though I will miss my family and dog, I am excited to start at ÇÑ×ÓÉçÇø with more opportunities to learn and thrive.#journeytonku2020 #beanorse

  • August 8, 2020

    August 8, 2020

    This photo combines two very important aspects of my life; my childhood upbringing, as well as what life has looked like for me during this global pandemic. This tree symbolizes something far beyond the simplicity of life, this represents my childhood and my protector who watched me grow up. For the past 18 years this tree has allowed me to see the world from all angles; from a kid with an unlimited imagination to an adult trying to cope with a devastating pandemic. Ashley, the tree, watched my young and naive self dig into her dirt for hidden treasures, to grow into my more aware self now learning a new trade (ukulele) while watching the world fight off something far greater than us all. No matter how my view of the world has shifted, Ashley has and will always represent hope for myself and beyond. #journeytonku2020 #beanorse
